October 2022

Symposium on the future of Design Education - Kick-off for the joint project with Die Neue Sammlung, Munich

The iF Design Foundation and Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum are launching a joint campus in anticipation of the 100th anniversary of Die Neue Sammlung. The project started with a symposium on aspects of a future design curriculum.

Featuring distinguished speakers, the event took place at the X-D-E-P-O-T of Pinakothek der Moderne.

The iF Design Foundation and Die Neue Sammlung have agreed on a joint program named “Designing Design Education – Impulse for a New Curriculum” that will run for three years from 2023. Together with international partner institutions, they will work on the further development of building blocks that can be used to update design studies. In the process, Die Neue Sammlung will become a public campus. The starting point is the universally expressed observation that design education needs to be updated in various respects. The project aims to provide design schools with a tested range of usable tools and references that they can draw upon to transform their programs. The project’s kick-off event took place on 27 October 2022 in the form of a symposium at the Pinakothek der Moderne. Michele De Lucchi, Annette Diefenthaler and Gareth Loudon discussed individual aspects of future design education.

For outcomes and further information please see the Project page.

— All photos: Steven Stannard. © iF Design Foundation

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