educational foundation for academic research and teaching

We are committed to the common good. To fulfill our responsibility, we focus on academic research and education in the context of design. We want to make a significant contribution to the advancement of design for the common good. Therefore, we implement our own projects, which inspire and promote concrete changes in design education. It is of great importantce to us that the public learns more about the social relevance of design. We publish our findings to make them know to as many people as possible, thus contributing to the advancement of knowledge.

In addition, we also participate in external projects and support them financially: we cooperate with other foundations and nonprofit organizations to pool resources and work together to make a difference.

Our roots go back to the year 1953. It was only a few years that the criminal insanity of the Nazi regime had been brought to an end. The destruction caused by the Second World War was still visible and tangible everywhere. Many people were asking themselves what they could do to create a peaceful, free and democratic future. This also applied to people from the fields of industry, culture and politics who wanted to promote design (in today's terms) as a core component for sustainability. They were convinced that design comprised social, production-related, economic, functional, cultural and aesthetic aspects in equal measure.

Our fields of action


We support academic research in the context of design. This includes, for example:

  • Research and studies at German and international universities on academic topics, such as design and ethics, design theory, design philosophy, evaluability of design, as well as socially relevant objects
  • Academic exchange in Germany and abroad (e.g. meetings, panel discussions, workshops, conferences)
  • Publication of academic research
  • Projects conducted by other non-profit organizations based in Germany


We focus on the future of design education and design degree programs. This means, for example:

  • School education, academic education, professional training, especially the promotion of young designers
  • Cooperation with international design schools and design associations
  • Discussions and conferences on the future of design education
  • Studies on design education in Germany in comparison to international models of excellence
  • Projects conducted by other non-profit organizations based in Germany

Design and society

We support contributions to the social responsibility of design. These can be projects such as:

  • Exhibitions on design in Germany and abroad, e.g. in cooperation with leading design museums and schools
  • Lectures, conferences and publications on urban development with a special focus on sustainability aspects
  • Development of sustainability concepts, which are of significance to societal development and efficient use of resources
  • Projects conducted by other non-profit organizations based in Germany

Members of the Board

Christoph Böninger (1982) studied Industrial Design in Munich and Los Angeles. After graduating, he moved to New York and built up the design department for Siemens in the USA. In 2000, he outsourced SIEMENS DESIGN to form the international design consultancy DESIGNAFFAIRS with offices in Munich, Shanghai and Silicon Valley.

After 20 years as design manager, he founded the furniture manufacturer ­AUERBERG in the Bavarian Oberland in 2010. His furniture designs have been added to the collection of Die Neue Sammlung, the design museum at Pinakothek der Moderne, as well as other museums.

He serves as a Curator at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle since XNUMX and is Chairman of the non-profit educational foundation iF Design Foundation based in Hanover since XNUMX.

René Spitz was appointed to the board of the iF Design Foundation in 2021 and has taken on the role of vice chairman since the beginning of 2025. He has been teaching design science and communication management as a professor at the Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln since 2015. He is an elected member of the Senate there and heads the media design degree program.

As a researcher he focuses on the future of design education. He conducted an international study on this topic for the iF Design Foundation, which was published in 2021. Since 2022, in collaboration with Die Neue Sammlung (Munich), he has been leading a follow-up research project for the Foundation. The results will be published at the end of 2025. René has also written many books and articles on the social responsibility of design, on the Hochschule für Gestaltung Ulm (HfG) and on the fundamentals of design.

René participates in the peer review process for The Design Journal. From 2004 to 2007, he was chairman of the advisory board of the International Design Forum (IFG) Ulm and was responsible for the programme Designing Politics - The Politics of Design. He has curated numerous international design conferences and exhibitions in Europe and Asia. Over the past 25 years, the WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) has broadcast about 450 of his features on design.

For 20 years, René was the director of a Cologne-based consultancy for strategic brand management. From 1988 to 1991, he worked with Otl Aicher for Aicher's client durst (Brixen, Italy).

In 1997, René completed his studies in communication, German and history with a PhD dissertation on the political history of the HfG Ulm.

Designer and professor Annette Diefenthaler is focused on the question, what can design accomplish to improve our society. Her teaching and research at the Technical University of Munich aims to promote a human- and society-centered approach to design that results in solutions that are not only technically feasible and marketable, but also sustainable, just, and valuable. As Executive Director of the newly founded Munich Design Institute, she is entrusted with the task of establishing an integrative research center that anchors Human Centered Design in the context of the TUM.

Prior to joining TUM, Annette Diefenthaler spent XNUMX years at IDEO and, designing solutions for complex systems that are both practical and transformative, such as a high-quality school network in Latin America or a professional development program for school leaders. She is committed to ensuring that people affected by the impacts of design solutions are given equitable authorship in their development. A practical example of this approach is her collaboration with families impacted by the child welfare system in New Jersey to create a future-oriented vision for family wellbeing. Annette Diefenthaler has won several design awards for her work. She has been a board member of the iF Design Foundation since June XNUMX.

Karenina is passionate about a vibrant and effective civil society. After studying philosophy, art history and business administration, Karenina became responsible for strategy development on the board of Transparency International Germany. During this time, she launched the Transparent Civil Society Initiative, which has since been joined by nearly 2000 civil society organisations.

She then served as Deputy Executive Director of the International Civil Society Center and Executive Director of Accountable Now. Both organisations are an alliance of around 30 of the world's largest NGOs, with the aim of having a greater impact together than individually. One focus of the Centre has been to collectively influence the development of the Sustainable Development Goals at the UN. As part of her work with Accountable Now, Karenina developed the first global standard for CSO accountability with civil society alliances across five continents.

This was followed by three years on the board of the German Children and Youth Foundation, where she was responsible for strategy development and strengthening effectiveness. Since 2020, she has been a board member of Wider Sense, a Berlin-based consultancy that supports companies and foundations in implementing effective social and environmental commitments.

»Civil society, in the form of foundations, NGOs, associations and initiatives, is more important than ever in an increasingly polarised world. Where things are going well, shared visions of the future are created and social cohesion is strengthened. A foundation that promotes this kind of intelligent, collaborative shaping of a sustainable society is a great opportunity for a better future.« Karenina Schröder

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